Setting up a retirement party can be a fun but challenging task and there are many things to consider when you choose to do so. As well as choosing the theme and the various elements, you will also need to invite the guests and make sure that they know when the date of the party is. You will need to consider what co workers to invite and will also need to decide as to whether there can be children there as well. Once you have this organised you can then begin thinking about the theme of the party, as well as the date of the party. Will the party take place at the weekend, or will it be on a week night. This could determine how easy it is for people to turn up.
Poems can be a great theme for a retirement party and guests can be asked to write out their best poems for the retired person. These could be funny poems or they could be serious poems and there may also be music and food that is combined with the poems. The theme could also be based on the nobel things that the retired individual has done through out their life and this can be the focus of the night. This will bring a lot of joy to the retired person.
The organiser may also want to find out what the retired individual is fond of and use this as the theme. This could be a favourite film that the party is based around. Or it could involve the music that is enjoyed by the retired individual. Do some research and find out the details of the retired person interests before basing a party around this.
A camping party is a fun and interesting choice for a retirement party and many individuals choose to do this, as it can bring people closer together. You may wish to use a barbecue to cook food on, and may want to tell stories around a camp fire. You can also bring instruments such as that of a guitar, and can play these effectively with others on the night.